0141-2791661, +91-8619524820

Aim Of Institution

Aim Of Institution

Aim Of Institution

We aim Education is much more than just schooling :-

  • To make them realize that education is a continuous never ending process.
  • To teach discerningly so that our students think for themselves and think correctly.
  • To foster team spirit and encourage a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
  • To know god through the pursuit of truth and knowledge of self.
  • To create an atmosphere of concern and respect for the welfare of others and to reach out to humanity at large.

Code of Conduct:-

Discipline is the distinctive feature of this school. Disregard of rules and regulations of the institution will not be tolerated. Any action likely as a breach of school’s discipline -The student has to NOW maintain a respectful attitude towards authority, elders and teachers.

Students must cultivate a deep sense, of honest loyalty and integrity and must develop a sense of responsibility with regard to school property.


Satisfied Students


Courses Completed


Satisfied Students


Expert Advisors

Our Experience Advisors

Dr. S.D Sharma

Dr. S.D Sharma


Late Mrs. Dorathy Williams

Late Mrs. Dorathy Williams


Mrs. Bhanu Williams

Mrs. Bhanu Williams


What Our Students Parent Say

Rajiv Kumar

Rajiv Kumar


Teachers, staff and extracurricular activities are great. I recommend the school to everyone who wants to have a wonderful experience in Jaipur.

Anshu Rawat

Anshu Rawat


They always try to bring activities for the students and encourage them to interact. The nationality mix in the morning period was excellent.

Dev Verma

Dev Verma


Staff is really helpful and friendly, anything I needed they were able to sort out for me. Overall I would recommend this school to anyone 100%, thumbs up!!!”

Rakesh Sharma

Rakesh Sharma


I must take time out to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for enhancing my life and the life of my daughter… 

  • Monarch Boys Hostel Bambala
  • Monarch Gym
  • Monarch Swimming Pool
  • ST Joseph Academy
  • ST Joseph TT School